The next myth that we are taught growing up is to Grieve Alone. We’re sometimes tempted to rank the six myths in order of which is the most harmful. And if we did compare them, we might say that the false idea that we’re supposed to Grieve Alone is the most dangerous of all.
But then we remember that we never compare losses—since all losses are perceived at 100%. So by the same token, we never compare the myths that limit us in dealing with our grief.
All six of them can be limiting in a variety of ways. We imagine you’d agree with us if we suggest that Grieving People Tend To Isolate.
While that is true, and isolation is a major problem for grieving people, it’s not a natural tendency, it’s a learned behavior.
Let us explain by writing a phrase and leaving out the last word. Most of you reading this will automatically put in the last word.
“Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.